Sunday, October 25, 2009

Something New.....and Look Who's Two

I know, I know all you serious Frost bloggers out there........"it has been forever."

In a nutshell. Here is what we have been up to....

Turning two. Hard to believe this handsome little "man" is already two.
He talks like crazy, is FULL of energy, loves all things boy: like trucks, airplanes, outside and EATING rocks (still), and loves his brother Isaac. Sleeps every night with his "entourage of stuffed animals and blankets. He is already a junk food junkie who loves all things: candy, cookie, cracker and pop, and chicken nuggets and french fries.
Happy Birthday DREW!!!

Started pre-school. Still loves trains and garbage trucks, visiting Grandpas & Grandmas, riding in dad's truck, music, and salad. Enjoys sleeping in his new "firetruck" bed. Is learning how to write his letters and color in the lines.

Working, working, working and working ALOT. Maybe because of some deadlines, maybe to help pay for these........
a new TRUCKand a trip to Brazil

Oh, and he still managed to squeeze time in for his second Marathon. He ran the St. George Marathon at a blazing speed of 3:05:35 (3 hrs 5 mins) which qualifies him to run the Boston Marathon in April!! What a stud!!
Being the mom, cleaning the house, trying to exercise, chasing the boys. Trying to decide: go straight or stay curly (the hair). Wishing I had more time for: pedicures, scrapbooks, cleaning out closets, decorating, and even blogging.

Maybe, just maybe you'll hear from me again before March 2010.....


Sarah Garner said...

Hey it's good to see that you guys are still alive :)
I can't believe how big and handsome the boys are getting!

Congrats to Jared for qualifying for the Boston marathon that is really impressive.

And... hair... my vote doesn't count because I've always envied curly hair!

Sarah said...

My mom thinks you are so cute! She was surprized when I told her you're a little older than me...she thought you'd just gotten married. I just think you're lucky that you have a choice with your hair.

The Obergs said...

well, well, well... look who's back. I was going to harass you about updating when I saw you, but I forgot. I'm glad that you got the memo though. The picture of Drew in his sunday best is so freakin' cute I can hardly stand it. I could just eat those boys for dinner they are both so adorable. Jared is a stud. I remember when he was in Jr. High and High School and he hated running the mile. Now look at him. And Carolee, you look beautiful either way. Although the straight look is always fun; a nice little change now and then. So you're hitting up the gym? Are you training for Ragnar? You know you want to run, come on...

shauni said...

I'm always so excited to see another post from you guys. The boys look as cute as can be. I love Drew's little suit jacket- it is hard to believe that he is already two! I am super impressed by Jared's marathon time, what an awesome experience to be able to run in the Boston marathon, way to go Jared! Carolee, I hope you are surviving with Jared on vacation to Brazil- I know from experience that doing the "single mom" thing is not the easiest thing in the world. I think your hair looks great either way, the straight is a nice change (I usually do whatever is easiest!) We'd love to see more pictures of you guys, we wish we lived closer and could see you more often!

Becca said...

Wow what a shock to see an update!I had almost given up on you. The boys are adorable. I still can't believe our babies are 2! Crazy- maybe one day they'll both be in school and we'll think- wow, what should I do with all this time. But until then I am in survival mode and that's about all.

MediocreMama said...

Oooooh, I like your hair both ways. Straight is a nice change; have never seen it like that before. I say switch it up once in awhile for fun.

Here's the thing -- I wish I had time to clean my closets but I actually DO have time but just don't do it. Like right now...looking at your cute blog but I could be cleaning out a closet. Sigh.

How was girls' night? Thought about you guys while I was home bathing boys in my pink sweat pants.