Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The day finally came.....

I knew this day would come. I have been predicting it since basically our honeymoon! I even made many, many, many attempts to try to make it not so. I nagged, I bargained, I threatened, I guilt-tripped, I ignored, I pleaded, but no avail.

Last night during dinner Jared reached across the table and accidentally spilled the salad dressing all over the table.....which he then followed up with a "curse" which Drew REPEATED immediately. And then REPEATED again. Surprisingly, it was kinda funny; despite my years of threatening "couch banishment" the day my children copied their daddy.

However, this morning while trying to climb up into my bed Drew knocked over my camel water bottle.....and then immediately followed-up with said "curse" word. Less funny this time! Although I gotta hand it to the kid, he already knows how to use it in context. The Frost "curse" stikes again!!

PS For those of you wondering, Isaac has never once copied, mimicked, nor picked-up on the fact that dad uses said "curse words".

PPS For those of you who aren't family....this issue has been a major source of contention our entire marriage.

PPPS For those still pondering the situation....yes, I dated Jared for years all through high school, etc. And amazingly for all those years he "managed" to keep from using said "curse words" around me. I had an inkling once, which in my naivety I missed. It goes something like this, I was at Jared's house waiting for him for us to go somewhere or something like that. His brothers were playing Ninetendo. They were getting into the game, "curse words" were flying. In my "I am pretty smart" 16 year old ways, I said: "Jared, doesn't swear like that...does he??" To which his younger brothers immediately replied, "NOOO!" So, there you go, that was that. Case closed, right?!?


Sarah said...

Bridger is convinced that Gosh is a bad word! He did use crap a few times and so I had to stop saying that. Kids keep us in check, don't they! Let me know if you potty train Drew soon. We can swap stories.

shauni said...

Oh Carolee, I am cracking up! I can just see this whole thing unfold with cute little Drew being totally oblivious to what he said. We have had many such incidents at our house (Colby actually claims that cursing is "genetic" and he can't stop). I'm also pretty amazed that Jared never cursed around you until you were married- that's some serious self control!

The Obergs said...

Wait a second, Is your friend Sarah seriously concerned about "gosh" and "crap"... wow, if only she knew what Drew boy as saying... hahah.

Oh Carolee, I know it's a frustrating thing. I'm a Frost, I swear and I'm and it STILL bothers me when Taylor says certain things, especially around Hazel. It's totally one thing to use your swears around your spouse, but totally another around your sweet, innocent babes, ESPECIALLY when they pick up on it. Best of luck with this. Maybe now that Drew actually copied him, Jared might be more choosy about what he says... good luck

Mike and Kim said...

You've got to try this: Dammit, Drew, no swearing!

It totally works with Megan.

But seriously thought, can anyone have better brothers than us? How good were we to cover that up so well?

And on the other hand, what magical trick of will power did Jared use for all those dating years when he didn't swear? Kim knew full well what she was getting into when she married me. Hell, I had missionary companions who had never cursed in their life pick it up around me.

Your kids have no chance. Accept it. One day, the kid from down the street will show up to tell you that Drew, your second grader, was cursing on the playground at school. You'll want to ground him for it, but Jared will like too much of a hypocrite to follow through. And from then on out, it's open season.

It is inevitable. And even if by some miracle Jared was able to banish swear words from his vocabulary, they'd still get it from their uncles or grandpa.

Jenae said...

Too funny! That Drew is going to be saying said "curse word" for years. Jared has ruined him!

The Obergs said...

P.S. to go along with Mike's comment. I was in second grade when I got in trouble TWICE with my teacher for swearing...

Becca said...

I have to admit I remember clearly that conversation you and I had about asking Jared to limit his swear words to just 5- and I just laugh about when you told me he rattled off a few and said, "those don't count, right?" Jer is the same way- so far we havne't had any kid repeat it yet- Jer will rue the day :)

Katie Ross said...

Curse words to come flying out of my sister's mouth quite often until her 2 yr old son was pushing a little toy in nursery and repeating, " Sh--, Sh--, Sh--". After that my sister has toned it down a lot. I had warned her...