Sunday, April 4, 2010

MARCHed on by.....

What have we been doing?

It's all somewhat of a blur........ of single-mom by day, tax pro by night! Mix in a few too many bags (meaning 3) of Cadbury mini eggs and you've got quite a scary month!

But despite all the "madness" I couldn't let the month go by without posting a few highlights.

#1 This little guy TURNED FIVE! It is crazy, but true!

#2 Touch-a-Truck

This is our third year going...and the boys still love it! For some reason my boys LOVE the garbage truck...anyone know what "sanitation workers" make????
#3 Drew's first soccer class!

#4 Breakfast at Krispy Kreme during Spring Break!

#5 A Visit from Grandma and Grandpa

#6 Previewing our Easter Duds!!

#7 Some fun Pre-Easter Festivities: Egg-hunts and the Easter bunny

And, finally a big shocker!!

Here is a picture from Easter, today! So miracles do happen! I am officially caught up on my blog............


Susan said...

What cute pictures--what cute boys!! I also can't believe Isaac is 5 years old--seems like yesterday...I love that little boy! We are so excited to have them come and spend a few days with us (and I'm sure you can't wait for April 16 to come!!) See you soon

Sarah said...

What a fun month! I, too, can't believe that March is over already.

I hear that Great Harvest does a fun kids hands on thing for small groups...If I get it figured out, are you in?? After tax day, that is.

The Obergs said...

oh it looks beautiful there. It rained here all day yesterday. I LOVE the pictures of Drew boy at Krispy Kreme. He is making that hat look good. The boys look really sharp in their easter clothes.

Carolee, every time I see you with straight hair I have to do a double-take. You look so good!

I really can't believe Isaac is 5, the time has just flown by. Happy Birthday buddy boy, we love you!

shauni said...

Great pictures! I can't believe Isaac is FIVE- wow. He is as cute as ever. I love the boy's Easter outfits. I am also jealous of the nice warm weather, we are having thunderstorms here! It looks like you guys had a great month!

Frost Family said...

I cant believe that we didn't make it on the post anywhere! I mean we did invade your house of a couple of days...

Shelly said...

I am always so amazed at how much the boys look alike and both look like you and Jared. I know I say that all the time, but it just is so miracleous!

I loved all of your pictures!

Mike and Kim said...

Our kids are 5 -- it's kind of a distressing feeling, isn't it?

Isaac and Drew are looking awesome in their matching sweater vests. You just need one for Jared.

Like Crystal, I wondered who the girl was with the boys in the fire truck. I bet your hair grows by a third when you straighten it.

That perfectly manicured grass in Vegas looks like the reason why Lake Mead is so low.

Hope we get to see you next week in Boston!