Thursday, March 6, 2008

Why we moved.....

#1 The New JOB

#2 More opportunity (more $$$$ potential)
Example: At the left Partner Payan's wheels (Audi A6) and the right Partner Frost's wheels (1995 Geo Prism)

Okay that is really just a bonus to the move, but it has been fabulous the last few weeks. Mid 60's to low 70's; SUNNY and no wind (Vegas can be pretty windy at times)!! This picture was taken on Feburary 26th.

Why we live in the Vista's (the Summerlin Village we are living in)

#1 The view of Red is stunning. This is from my car and doesn't do it justice.

#2 The great parks!! Two great parks are less than a 10 minute walk away; and another one is about a 20 minute walk.
FYI...the house we are renting for those curios types.

PS..TOTALLY unrelated but Drew got his helmet on a week ago!! Pretty cute even with the helmet!!!


Anonymous said...
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The Obergs said...

#1- I'm still completely impressed that your name is already part of the company, and I'm even more impressed that it's in big letters across the building

#2- There's nothing wrong with Prisms. Mine has been nothing but dependable (however, one day I WILL own an Audi A4)

#3- If I could make Taylor realize that cold weather sucks, we would be there in a heart beat. I'm jealous

#1- The red rock is stunning. I really like that side of town. Did you know there are lots of good hikes around the red rocks?

#2- I've heard about these fabulous parks from Bennett and Becka. Maybe Utah will follow suit and get rid of the old wooden toys that leave splinters the size of pencils.

The house looks cute and Andrew looks even cuter. I think the helmet is adorable. I can't wait to give him a big kiss. See you guys saturday!

Tisha said...

I am so jealous of the great weather you guys have. I am working hard on convincing Dave that sunny Las Vegas is the place for us (So Crystal, when you figure out how to convince Taylor that cold weather sucks, let me know!)
As always drew looks SO adorable!!

shauni said...

I am so jealous that you are having such good weather. I bet it's great to be able to take the kids outside to play in February. If there was a residency in Vegas it would be really high on our list of places to move. I am also impressed at the big letters on the building. Drew is adorable.

Colby said...

I'm pretty sure that picture number 4 was taken by the driver of the car while driving. Way to go Jared.

Mel said...

Thanks for the list Carolee, all the reasons are perfect!! I love your house you are renting too, such a flavor of Vegas. Very Cute. Drew is so dang cute as always, love the weather! I will be down in Summerlin next weekend!! What's your number? I am looking forward to 75 degree weather.

Mike and Kim said...

The sign was far more impressive than I expected it to be.

Have fun in Utah.

shelly said...

Love the sign, it's so classy! We'd like a little of that warm weather, I'm so jealous! And finally, Drew is so darling!!! How is therapy going?

Emily Ortiz said...

Hello! I don't know if you remember me, but I used to be in your Clearfield ward. We moved out of the ward shortly after you guys moved into the ward. I am friends with Sarah and I saw your blog link. Your kiddos are so cute and Vegas looks great! Just thought I would say Hi! Emily Ortiz