Monday, May 19, 2008

Some Firsts

Since I am not a diligent blogger like ya'll we've had alot of "FIRSTS" happen this last month or so that I thought I would catch up on.

Isaac's first day of school (pre-school) April 17th
Ike started pre-school in mid-April through the school districts' head start program so he could get speech therapy. He goes M-TH from 9 to 11:30am until June 4th. I know he needs it; but it was pretty sad to send him that first day. Boy, times goes fast!! He doesn't seem old enough to go to school already. Of course, he cried a ton for the first week, some the second week and now he just gives us a "Bye-Bye" with a quiver in his voice and a wave!! But, I also get the BIGGEST smile and HUG when I go pick him up!!

Drew's first bites of rice cereal!
The very first day; he didn't seem to mind it. He didn't really pull any faces and he ate it like it was no big deal. However, the next 5 or so times he cried his eyes out or got really mad at me! Not sure why? It seems like I have to catch him in the right mood to eat. We have given up on rice cereal for awhile and have tried: squash, sweet potatoes and peas with some success. Next week we are going to try oatmeal and see if that goes any better.

Isaac's first self-portrait!
While my mom and I were busy taking video footage of Drew's first bites; Isaac took the camera off of the table and snapped a few photos of himself!! This first one isn't too bad; especially for a 3 year old!
Drew's first tooth (followed the very next day by his 2nd tooth)
I know you can't really see his two little bottom teeth....but the first one cut through on April 29th followed by the other one on the 30th. I couldn't get him to stop chewing on things for the fact, we still CAN'T get him to stop chewing on everything. It looks like his top two teeth are also pretty close to cutting through. Regardless of teething he seems to be a "I put everything in my mouth" baby....Isaac was never as chewy as Drew.

Isaac's first night in his toddler bed!!
Yes, this is just his crib minus the front rail. (And yes, he was 3 years old and still in a crib...and yes, those are his binkies still in his hands.....and yes, I know I am a bad mother). We ordered the toddler rail for his bed while we still lived in Utah. When it came the move was getting close and we had decided to wait to take him out of his crib until after the move so we left it in the box. Well, when we took it out this weekend to put it on we found out that Babies 'R Us actually ordered the wrong rail. The rail we have doesn't fit on his bed. So, we just left the front of the crib off and decided to try it out! Amazingly, it has gone great so far!! Two days into it and he really hasn't even tried to get out (even at nap time -HALLELUJAH)! In fact, the first morning we woke up to him saying "I want to get out" while we was still sitting in his bed. Very funny!!
First post of the boys in MATCHING outfits!!
The first of many too come. I got lots of great bargains on some matching clothes for the boys at the Children's Place (my favorite kids clothing store).


The Obergs said...

Carolee, I love all of these pictures especially the one of little Isaac going to school. I can't believe he's already at that age. And poor Drew baby cutting two teeth in two consecutive days... that probably makes for one unhappy little boy. It was so good to see you guys. The boys are adorable and Taylor loves the fact that Isaac actually likes him and wanted to hold his hand everywhere we went. Good luck with your move, the house is awesome, we will definitely have to come stay in your spare room once you get all moved in.

Tisha said...

Thanks for sharing all the great updates on your kiddos! Isaac looks SOOOO BIG with his backpack. It's so hard to send them off at first, but then it is amazing how quickly YOU get used to them being gone!

Mike and Kim said...

We can't believe Drew is that fat despite all of his physical therapy. Maybe it's because our boy looks like he belongs in a commercial with Suzanne Somers.

Susan said...

It is so fun to see all these pictures--the boys are growing up so fast!! Isaac does look all old with his little back pack--he is such a cutey. And Drew baby--I knew he was cutting teeth when we were down there--hope you come up soon--I miss those little boys!!

shauni said...

Great pictures! I'm so glad that you posted more pictures. I can't believe Isaac started school! It sounds like he is doing great. I love the picture of Drew with his mouth full of rice cereal- my boys were never big fans of rice cereal either.I love the boys matching outfits. I also LOVE the Children's place- they have the best clearance sales at the end of the season I always buy my boy's clothes there a year in advance. We miss you guys are you going to Utah this Summer? We will be there from July 10-20, we would love to see you!

Sarah Garner said...

Yay, more pictures! I can't believe how big Drew is getting! I want to pinch those cute little roley poley cheeks!
Hunter and I were looking through pictures today and found the one of him and Isaac "hugging" and asked if we could go play with Isaac. What do you say... can I send him over? ;)

We MISS you guys!!!

Colby said...

Where is Isaac's helmet?

Frost Family said...

Carolee, your boys are so cute. We love the pic of drew with the rice and isaac in his bed (he looks so happy)!