Wednesday, June 30, 2010


As the world's worst blogger I have decided to condense our lives for the past two months (may/june) into one gigantic post....MUNE.


We got our dad back!

He cuts our hair so we help him wash the truck.

Dad was getting way too much sleep with tax season being he decided to take us to Fathers & Sons.

Drew learned how to catch "big air" in his gym class at the leisure center....

We hit the road and headed to Utah for Memorial Day. There was a big party because Mom's grandma turned 90!

We had lots of fun hanging out with our cousins....

As you can see we are best buds!

AND we also went to A DAY OUT WITH THOMAS. Isaac was lovin' it!


Found us heading back to Utah....again.

Dad had a big race to run with his family...the Ragnar.

He decided looking like a 16-year-old would help him run faster.
It did! Having a mo-hawk really does help you run a total of 22 miles in a 30 hour time period on only one hour of sleep. If you'd like to hear more about the "best relay team ever" and their 2010 Wasatch Back experience check out some awesome blog posts here and here.

We got to spend even more time with even more cousins, grandmas and aunts.

We saw Toy Story 3 in the Movie Theater.

And then Grandma Frost took us to lunch at Arctic Circle.

We spent alot of time in Grandma Truman's pool!!

Grandma taught Isaac how to spray everyone including his mom with the water toys....

And more fun times with the cousins.

On Father's Day, Grandma Frost had a Luau.

It was so fun! Even if we got stuck with the pink and red lays....

And the FOOD was AWESOME! Of course!!

That is our Mune in a nutshell. Hopefully you hear from us again before Jugust!


The Obergs said...

hahah, Carolee I totally laughed at your last line. That was funny.

I don't blame you for getting behind with your blogging; you did spend pretty much the last 2 months here
in Utah.

The boys look pretty intense about the car washing business. Please send them and their "hats" up my way. I'll pay them in treats and kisses. Do you think they will accept that as payment?

Mike and Kim said...

I like Jared's mohwak -- I'm sure his clients would have been ok with it if he kept it.

The Fathers and Sons looked like fun. Too bad it's not called the Fathers and kids, since I've never been able to go. Henry should be old enough next time.

Jared's truck is cool.