Sunday, August 15, 2010

13 Years and....

WE still look the same.....

Except for:
1) My straight-hair
2) Some gray hair
3) Wrinkles
4) A few more lbs.
13 Years and.............

We still have the same clothes. Although, only one of us wore them to church today in honor of our 13th! The other one didn't want to look like "the 3rd wife of a polygamist living in Texas"....per the one who actually wore the clothing to church!


Christina said...

Congratulations! I think you look guys look great!

Sarah said...

LOVE the dress! :) I wish I could fit into the clothes I wore for our engagement pictures. Happy Anniversary.

Mike and Kim said...

13 years. Have you guys hit the point yet where you have spent more of your life together than you did apart? That's coming up for me and Kim in a couple years. Who can say how different you would be as people if you hadn't spent so much time affecting each others personalities as you grew up?

Sweet dress. I'm pretty sure I saw a Mennonite woman wearing the same one in Liberia.

Tisha said...

Congrats! You could have just braided your hair to complete the "sister-wife" look. You guys look great!

The Obergs said...

awesome... seriously, awesome! hahah

I'm pretty sure neither of you are a pound heavier than when that picture was taken. Both of you are so svelte.

Also, neither of you even look like the same people... in a good way. I mean, I would HOPE that you don't look exactly the same as you did 13 years ago. Both of you age well, although you don't look like you've "aged" you just look different.

Taylor and I took a picture in San Fran in the same place and position as we did 5 years ago and we've definitely "aged/changed" since then. Crazy what time does.

Anyway, I love the pictures. Actually for a split second I thought YOU were the one that wore your dress to church and I almost died laughing. (not that the dress wasn't beautiful back then...)

Also, I didn't get a chance to comment on your last post, but it made my heart ache for lake mead. I'm SO sad that I missed it this year. The water looked gorgeous and warm and all you skiers were in fine form.

Jared said...

For the record, I don't even recognize me in the new picture. I looked at the post and thought Carolee had found a new boyfriend. I'm pretty sure if it hadn't been a self portrait I could have looked a lot more like the me of 13 years ago (with gray hair of course)!

Unknown said...

Awe the young love, so cute. As for the dress. Just imagine what your "stocker" sister looked like in that dress back then. I had at least 3 people ask me when I was due during the reception!

Jenae said...

Too funny! I think you could've started a new trend in the ward, and I would totally join the poligy look! 13 years, time flies when you're having fun!

Becca said...

I am dying! That is awesome- maybe I could borrow the dress for pioneer trek? Too hot.

Katie Ross said...

Happy Anniversary! I think I used to have a dress that looked similar. Used to. I know longer wear it anymore.

Fun having you guys over too. And we are still in shock about having #3 w/o IVF. Thought we could never do it the old fashioned way.

shauna said...

Love the dress description. Happy Anniversary. I remember attending your wedding luncheon, good memories!
Wow, Isaac starts kindergarten... that is so awesome. He will love it. And yes we decided to go back to Layton for social reasons mainly. There are just a lot more friends there. Cade is very bored being home alone, but I have him signed up for some preschool classes that start in two weeks. So he will be out of the house 2.5 hours a day, 4 days a week. Hope he likes it :)

Robyn said...

I'm dying--that is hilarious! Mostly because I have a dress EXACTLY like it hanging in the closet from our engagement photos! I nearly gave it away last year, but in the end, I couldn't part with it for sentimentel reasons. I see you are feeling the same!

MediocreMama said...

13 years?! Where you 12 when you got married? I swear you look so young...

That dress is awesome. I like the crocheted collar. And I echo Sarah; I wish I could fit into anything I wore when we got engaged. Even shoes.