Monday, September 1, 2008

Growing Up....No. 2

August was also a big month for Drew. On the 25th he turned 10 months old (wow...already)!! We spent the whole month of July trying to entice him to crawl, roll, move somehow....just do anything besides sit and chew on toys all day and then we spent the whole month of August CHASING him ALL around the house as he discovered the joys of being mobile. Here is just a sampling of the many skills he has mastered this past month:

CLIMBING UP & OVER Everything. (the stairs included...we have had a few close calls when the baby gate has been left down).
CRAWLING. He started out alittle shaky the first two days and then suddenly.......
ZOOM...ZOOM....ZOOM! Now he crawls so fast I can barely put him down before he run crawls out of my sight. He especially likes to crawl really fast when chasing Isaac or playing "crawling" with Isaac (as Ike calls it.....Ike gets down and crawls around with baby Drew).

PULLING HIMSELF UP (he could do that for awhile; but since he wasn't mobile; he wouldn't do it very often). Now he pulls himself up on everything he crawls up to....chairs, couch, walls, YOU, etc.And even WALKING behind the walker......

He is getting more daring each day with his cruising and walking with the walker....just today he tried to walk from the ottoman to the couch; so maybe any day we will be posting that he is walking.

Speaking of GROWING; his hair is really getting long. We keep thinking about cutting it since now it often hangs over the top of his ears; but then Jared can't give Drew his favorite hairdo....the soccer rocker! (Besides, we also wonder if it helps hide his head shape).

Also in the past month 3 more teeth popped him 7 teeth already. Which may explain why he is such a "chewy" kid. His chewiness has added two new nicknames to his repertoire: Chewbacca and Beaver. The "beav" isn't really coming from his relation to uncle Beavis per se but from the pictures below:

HMMM....Hmmmm....hmmmm....what could be causing all those marks on Drew's crib?? Especially all those marks on the rail closest to the door?
Ah HA! Mom caught the culprit in the act one day when she came to get Drew from his morning nap. Over about a week; more and more marks were showing up on his crib. I was pretty sure it was Drew chewing on it and above is a picture of him right after being caught.

So, what did mom and dad do.....lower his crib ALL the way down. Hoping to prevent more crib chewing!!
OH! Looks like it worked.......see Drew can barely even look over the rail by the door! Yeah!

But alas, he just moved over to the other rail.............Nice try Mom and Dad!! Ha, Ha!!
Anyone know the long-term effects of eating varnish??????


ericareynolds said...

He's so cute. I'm glad I found your blog. I think that a little varnish never hurt anyone, right? By the way, Max is super jealous of his hair.

Susan said...

I can't believe how grown up Drew looks (and we just saw him less than 2 months ago!) Hope you guys enjoyed the joys of a non- mobile child because he looks like he will be into everything now. So funny he is chewing on his bed--good thing grandpa is a dentist--he may be wearing those little teeth down to nubs if he keeps that up!!

The Obergs said...

oh my heck Carolee, I always look forward to your posts because I just end up laughing and laughing. You have the funniest little boys. That last picture just cracks me up because Drew totally looks like a little beaver. It's funny how different he looks in all of these pictures, the second one looks exactly like your dad but my personal favorite is the straight-on shot of the soccer rocker. Isaac is such a good brother, He's totally there for moral support... when Drew runs into the wall with a walker, so does Isaac, hahah!

shauni said...

Drew is such a cute little boy, I love all the pictures. I agree with Crystal, he looks just like a beaver in that last picture. I think the nickname, "the beav" might have to be a keeper! I also love the hairdo!

Sarah Garner said...

Look at those big blue eyes... he is so cute!

Ummm... I ate varnish as a kid... you can't even tell.. so he'll be fine.... right?...

Stacie Hawley said...

Hey there Carolee...this is Stacie Hawley...I found your blog from your little beaver boy is so cute!! I can't believe he did that to the crib. ha ha!! Love it!

Mel said...

Some kids need naps longer. Austin slept until he was 5!! The others not so much! Drew is so cute walking around with that stroller running into things! I was laughing at the crib! That is hilarious. SO funny! I love your nicknames for him!

Mike and Kim said...

I don't know how I missed this post, but it was pretty funny. Drew is getting to a great age -- when he can entertain himself.

And for the record, my nickname never had anything to do with biting anything, that's all on Drew.

Becca said...

I am laughing so hard about the chewing! That's awesome. I hope you are enjoying Vegas and getting ready for some sweet fall/winter weather.