Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Why my 3 1/2 year old still naps!

Lots of people act surprised when I tell them that Isaac still takes afternoon naps; so I thought today's find would help explain why...........

I left Isaac eating some lunch and watching Barney while I quickly went upstairs to feed Drew and put him down for a nap. Upon my return about 10 minutes later this is what I found!!


Mike and Kim said...

Megan still takes naps, too. It used to be fantastic because it would give Kim a chance to relax and maybe nap in the day, but we seem to be facing diminishing returns on that investment because she is staying up until 9 or later every night now.

It looks like he at least finished his lunch before he passed out...

The Obergs said...

hahaha, maybe somebody put some sleeping potion in his lunch... This is a great picture. Carolee, it's probably fantastic for you to have both your boys taking naps and get a little time to yourself. Anyone who thinks it's weird is just jealous that their kids don't.

Anonymous said...

So cute! I HOPE Emma naps until she's 3 1/2!

Sarah said...

Bridger still naps too. If I get him down by one, I can usually count on two and a half hours!

Susan said...

I'm all for naps--when I was pregnant with Crystal, Colby age 5 and Mike age 3 and I all took naps as soon as Colby came home from kindergarten. It was great!! Isaac is so funny--school must wear him out !!

Dave said...

That is so cute! I think it's great that he still naps! It's always nice to have a little quiet time around the house... hopefully it gives you time for a little rest as well.

Tisha said...

Sorry the above comment was really from me. I didn't realize I was logged into Dave's account :)

shauni said...

Crystal is right, i am jealous that my kids don't nap anymore. I defintely could use a nap every day- you'll have to tell me what your secret is.

Frost Family said...

He still takes naps because he probably doesn't sleep at night....Remember that freaky Americas most wanted sketch in his room? Would you be able to sleep?

Sarah Garner said...

Hahahahah that's classic!

I need to get some similar pics of Hunter too to get people off my back about why he still naps!

I say, milk it for as long as you possibly can!